I had the incredible opportunity to work with Mark Rober on his Domino Robot project. I was responsible for all of the robotics, software, and electronics for the mobile robot. We were only able to cover a tiny bit about how the robot works in the main video, so I’ve written up more technical details below about a few parts of the system for those who may be interested. You can also find all of the software on Github. If there are other pieces of the project you would be interested in reading about that I don’t cover below, let me know and I can try to add some more details.
The Team
From left to right: John Luke, Josh, Me, and Mark. Josh and John Luke built all of the mechanical parts of the robot.
Mark’s Video
If you are on this page and somehow haven’t seen Mark’s video on this project, here it is:
The Domino Robot did not just magically appear into existence one day fully functional. It took over two years of design, testing, failure, and iteration to get to the final result. It’s often easy focus on only the end product and forget all about the difficult, meandering engineering journey it took to get there. So, I want to take you behind the scenes into what this journey looked like for me while designing the Domino Robot.